Bryan Perlmutter is a Founding Partner of Piece-by-Piece Strategies along with Jessica Pierce who believes many nonprofit leaders (and even funders) have a lot to learn about building the capacity necessary to scale their work in 2022 and beyond.
Bryan’s contribution is a welcome compliment to my last excellent podcast interview with Alethia Jones at Open Society Foundation. As you’ll hear here from Bryan, balancing between the concerns of community-members and donors is one of the tight ropes nonprofit leaders have to walk. He provides practical insights from his experience working with dozens of new Executive Directors and experienced leaders about the capacities need for explosive growth.
A profound paradigm shifting suggestion Bryan makes in his interview is that it truly matters how organizations achieve their mission in order to sustain momentum over time.
Enjoy. And please share this sub stack with new Executive Directors, nonprofit start-ups or established organizational leaders looking for a fresh start.
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